Honey Wines - Meadery Australia

Nectar of the North

The need for mead!

Since Pioneer Meadery has opened in late 2023, we have opened the door with now, 3 different flavors of mead– a traditional sweet mead, a sweet Banana Brandy mead and a sweet Strawberry mead. Our Christmas Pudding mead will be available from the 1st December onwards.

These meads have been patiently aged to perfection in varying flavored barrels, creating a symphony of flavors that dance on your palate. we are ready to elevate your mead-drinking experiences to new heights.

Enjoy it as a sipper on its own or as a companion to your favorite dishes. Can be served chilled, over ice or at room temperature to give this mead those extra profile flavors. Mead is also made as a sweet, semi dry & dry. At this time Pioneer Meadery have only sweet meads but that will be changing in the future. Baby steps first.
Nevertheless, Cheers to the timeless art of mead making!

Our Latest Addition

Christmas Pudding

Pioneer Meadery are very excited to advise that our latest addition to our mead family is ready for purchase. It’s Jo’s version of your Traditional Christmas Pudding. Jo, has put this recipe together having years of experience in making Christmas cakes/Puddings and understanding the spices that goes into making such delights.

This Mead has been ageing in a chartreuse barrel (from the French alps), of only 200ltrs and has produced a profile of flavors which is absolutely amazing. With a strong aroma of honey, Spices, Fruits and explosive on the palate the full profile flavors that this barreled mead brings out. With this mead I would recommend having with anything that you will put on the Christmas dinner table and enjoy its fullness in the tradition of Christmas tastes and festivities. Have a great Christmas and a prosperous new year from everyone here at Pioneer Meadery.

The word ‘honeymoon’ itself is derived from the Scandinavian practice of drinking mead, or fermented honey, during the first month of marriage (measured by one moon cycle) in order to improve likelihood of conception…